I believe we create our own reality on both an individual and collective basis. I think destiny is like an autopilot option, the manufacturer’s settings or the default builder’s grade which can either be left as is or customized to one’s desired specifications. And I suppose that means I believe to at least some degree, in free will. I believe we, the collective, co-create our shared reality through the average sum of our individual beliefs.
The Wisdom of The Crowd
The video below is about an experiment that involves guessing games including guess the weight of the cow and guess the number of jelly beans in the jar. Marcus du Sautoy explains how the findings demonstrate what theorists call the wisdom of the crowd. I think it also hints at another idea, which I call, the creation of the crowd theory. Eventually, I’ll talk about our current shared reality as well as the Mandela effect. For now, though, let’s look at the afterlife as an example.
Many people have genuinely recounted their near death experiences during which some have went to Hell and others have went to Heaven. And the information some people were given during their NDE directly contradicts that which others have received. On top of that, we have all the different religions with varying afterlife doctrines. And then there are those who believe in no afterlife at all. So who is right?
I think everyone is in the same way that Marcus explained how all the guessers were right. I think if we added together all the collective beliefs that answer the question of where we go after we die, the average sum would reveal the answer. And I think we would discover that we go to a place where we continue creating and co-creating our realities. In other words, the possibilities would be infinite. Isn’t that how it is here? And don’t people like to repeat that old familiar quote? I’m talking about the one that says, “As above, so below and as within, so without.”
Whenever I discover a theory I want to embrace, or when I’m re-evaluating a belief I already hold, I rip it to shreds as I play the Devil’s advocate. I research what the antagonists say. I try to think it all the way through from all sides while applying it to every imaginable situation and scenario to see if it holds “true.” Let me define what I mean by “true.” Since I choose to believe that we create truth with our beliefs, I am no longer in a place where I am trying to decide what is true vs what is false in the arena of spirituality and religion.
Pseudoscience ~ Making It True
Instead, I am choosing beliefs that I want to embrace as “true for now” or as “provisional truth,” which is a term I heard from Gad Saad, an evolutionary psychologist. Although, I’ve quoted him, he would vehemently disagree with this part of my way of thinking. By the way, prior to my first hit of marijuana, and long before any of the Ayahuasca ceremonies, I was aware that I embraced beliefs, some of which, were what traditional science once called and sometimes still calls pseudoscience.
”You get to choose what you believe. You get to choose what you make true. You are already choosing what you make true.” ~Abraham Hicks