According to Craig Hamilton-Parker, the color blue corresponds to the throat chakra. He says, “Blues are the spiritual colors.” They are indicative of “high ideals, altruism, humanity, devotion, reverence (and) even religious aspirations.” Because it is the color of the sky, it is “associated with feelings of freedom and release and expansion.” Blue also signifies “escaping restrictions” and is indicative of “healers, healing, health and peace.” Powder blue, he says, is associated with qualities of “kindness and sympathy.” In my aura photo, I see faint patches of this color.
And powder blue matches my Pisces sun and my Cancer moon.
W. J. Colville teaches, “Hard work has no place in the blue region, though nowhere can more work be done, and the work done by those who have reached the state denoted by (a) clear bright blue aura is of an abiding as well as of an excellent quality.” He says, “Blue is particularly beneficial in all cases where excitement has been too intense.” Colville lectures that red and blue “are perfect opposites, red being the universal stimulant and blue the universal sedative.”
In their article, Your Guide to How Red and Blue Make Purple, the unnamed author states, “Blue is the coolest-toned color on the color wheel. This means when you mix more blue than red, you are creating a cool-toned purple, such as a violet or indigo. Violet generally refers to a purple that has more blue in it than red. Similarly, indigo refers to a deep purple that has a lot of blue mixed into it, creating cool undertones. In fact, it can sometimes be difficult to tell the difference between indigo and navy blue.“
I already discussed violet, indigo and purple in Joseph’s Coat Of Many Colors, Amethyst, My Birthstone & Birthright and Violet + Royal Purple & Regal Indigo. But in some places, it is still too hard to distinguish the purples from the blues within my aura photo. And that reminds me of how it is often difficult for me to decide whether certain aspects of my life should be attributed to my heavy natal 12th house or to my packed 8th house.
Both blue and indigo, which is a mix of red and blue, correlate to my natal 8th house in which Pluto, Uranus, my North node and the Part of Fortune reside. Uranus is the planet of freedom and Craig Hamilton-Parker said that lots of blue in the aura is about a lot of freedom. Speaking of Uranus, it is the co-ruler of Aquarius, the water bearer who seems like they should be represented by the color blue.
But, it is an air sign which means it should also be represented by yellow. Maybe it is both or a mix of both which would make it green. Either way, along with my rising sign, my natal Mercury and Mars are in the sign of Aquarius. My Libra placements, which are Pluto and the North Node, are also represented by blue. Like Aquarius, Libra seems like it too should be represented by yellow since it is an air sign. And it is along with the other colors of the rainbow. But I’ll get to that in one of the next entries.
Dominant Elements In My Natal Chart
For me, learning astrology was much like learning the teachings of Abraham Hicks. In other words, it seemed like I was learning a foreign language. When I first heard terms like aspects and trines, I was clueless. In this entry, I won’t go into detail about what a trine is. But in my natal chart, I have a grand water trine. Uranus in Scorpio sits at the top of the triangle. On the right hand corner is my moon in Cancer and on the left is my sun in Pisces. In other words, I do water naturally. In the image below, I have isolated the grand trine from the other aspects.
Grand Water Trine
Blue represents not only the sky above, but also the oceans and bodies of water below. And in astrology, water represents our emotions. Peter Shankman, social entrepreneur, author and corporate speaker, says, “Beyond the nature of water representing the nature of our emotions, our emotions can affect the nature of water.” He goes on to quote Albert Szent-Gyorgyi, M.D. (1893-1986) who said, “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.”